Leesa Tall is our volunteer coordinator and a volunteer herself. Her passion when we met her was gardening. Since being with us, she has delivered food parcels and essential items to victims of domestic abuse, helped with transportation of clients and taken part in the organization and running of events and festivals. She has attended several training courses and has led a DIY workshop in one of Bedford’s women’s refuges to help women survivors of domestic abuse to become more independent, confident and self-sufficient in their homes!
Leesa said: “Volunteering for QPCO has enabled me to pursue my passion for helping others while also enhancing my confidence and advancing my skills through various training opportunities. QPCO is a distinct organisation that consistently goes above and beyond to assist those in need, and I take pride in being a volunteer with QPCO.”
We are always looking for volunteers to help:
If you want to volunteer, contact Leesa at 07502364192 or leesa@qpco.org.uk.