Intervention Officers

QPCO intervention officers are outreach workers who support people in the community who are struggling to access the services they are entitled to. This may be because of language or cultural barriers, stigma or discrimination, or simply lack of knowledge and wherewithal.

The majority of people and families that intervention officers work with come from the most deprived wards in Bedford, but intervention officers will work with anyone in Bedford who may need their help. 

In their first 18 months in post they have helped people access a range of services including housing, benefits, translation services, immigration and asylum support services, social care, physical and mental health, education, foodbanks and other crisis management services, and voluntary sector organisations that provide targeted support.  The intervention officers take a holistic approach, building trust with individuals and communities to help them get to the heart of the issue/s and secure positive outcomes.  

The work of intervention officers often entails signposting and referrals to other organisations but it goes a step further by making sure the client can access the service (for example by accompanying them to a meeting, or providing an interpreter) thereby overcoming the barriers that often stop vulnerable and isolated clients from gaining the access they need. Intervention officers are also cleared to issue Foodbank and other similar vouchers to individuals and families in need, working with volunteers to make sure those are collected and delivered to the families that need them.

Please complete this form to access this service.


I wanted to email to express my gratitude towards you both for your help with multiple victims. Your funds  have helped a lady return back home to her family and friends, supported a woman and her children in a hotel until safe accommodation could be found, and also supported a victim with transport to a refuge (just to name a few). Your help and funding have enabled victims to leave abusive relationships and create fresh starts for them where they will be safe from danger and fear. Both ourselves and the victims are so grateful for your help.

I am writing this e-mail to thank you for all the support I got from you. I really appreciate the way you went out of the box to help me when I needed the most during my difficult times. You encouraged me and showed me the right path which lead me to become a confident and independent woman. Thank you again for your constant support and encouragement.

I would like to say thank you to all my support, you people are really very helpful, kind and I feel very relaxed at least I know someone will help me if I need.

Thank you very much for the food package. Will help so much especially as I said on the phone both sons self isolating and so am I but I choose to take my dog out very late at night so as no one is bout to pass us. My oldest son was nearly in hospital Christmas Eve due to high temperature again but I managed to get it down. Thank you again.

Good morning, thanks for the help. I really appreciate you people and the service that y’all gived us. We feel comfortable and save now and we don’t know what could have been of us without your help.